Spruce Up This Spring With These Dog Cleaning Supplies

by Hannah Roundy

White dog getting brushed with Furminator

Revamp your dog cleaning routine with supplies that will help you get to the root of the cause through full blown messes.

The more dogs you have, the harder it is to keep your house neat and tidy. Whether you’re fending off pet hair, drool, or muddy paw prints, learn our favorite dog cleaning hacks. 

Dog Cleaning Hacks for Pet Hair, Pawprints, and More

Cleaning your house is a never-ending challenge when you have dogs that shed. Your work is seemingly never done when dog hair is constantly falling on the floor and sticking to furniture. Never fear – there are so many dog cleaning hacks to lighten your workload. 

Minimize Shedding

Manage your dog’s coat regularly to prevent their hair from shedding all over your house. High-shedding breeds like German Shepherds or Siberian Huskies should have their coats brushed weekly. 

Spending money on a professional groomer is a good investment for high-shedding dog breeds every now and then. Brush their undercoats and de-shed twice a year to remove the old coat all at once. 

Pristine Paws

To avoid dirty paw marks on your floor, place door mats by every entryway your dog has access to. This won’t completely prevent paw prints, but it will save you a little work more work by catching mud and dirt on your pup’s feet. 

Wipe down your dog’s paws as much as possible, too. Along with keeping your floors clean, this will prevent your pup from picking up any infections or injuries on their precious feet. 

Put Clothes & Bedding Through the Dryer First

Looking for laundry dog cleaning hacks? It might sound counterintuitive, but putting your laundry in the dryer before it goes in the wash will push pet hair into the lint trap. Dog hair is harder to remove from clothes when wet. Leftover wet dog hair can even cause mold buildup in your washing machine. 

Best Way to Lift Pet Stains 

Instead of buying pet stain remover products, professional cleaners recommend using a combination of baking soda and vinegar. First, pour white vinegar on the spot as soon as you find it to neutralize the stain. Then cover the stain in baking soda and leave it there for a day or so to absorb the liquid. Finish by vacuuming up the baking soda and the stain should disappear. 

Mess-Preventing Dog Cleaning Products

Your house can stay cleaner simply by investing in some quality products that prevent messes from happening in the first place. Check out the mess-preventing dog cleaning products. 

No-Spill Dog Water Bowl - $18.99

Does your pup seem to spill more water than drink it? Some breeds with large jowls have a harder time keeping liquids in their mouths, so getting a drink of water can wreak havoc on your floors. 

no spill dog water bowl

Instead of the traditional water bowl, try a no-spill dog bowl. These types of dispensers have a floating disk on top of the bowl that creates a mini drinking puddle for your dog. This helps them get an appropriate amount of water to avoid it drooling out of their mouths. 

Dandylion Waterless Paw Cleanser - $18

The easiest way to keep your pup’s paws clean is to use a dog cleaning supplies like Dandylion Clean Paws. All you have to do is press down on the nozzle and the cleanser will top onto the paw brush. Massage the brush onto your pup’s feet and wipe dry with a paper towel. That’s it! 

dog paw cleaner

Dandylion has plant-based ingredients for gentle cleaning. Not only does this cleanser keep your pup’s paws fresh, but it can help with itching and irritation, as well. Dog cleaning supplies like paw washers will keep your floor free of dirty paw prints. 

Furminator Undercoat Deshedding Tool - $32.70

One of the best dog cleaning products for shedding control is the Furminator Brush. The stainless steel brushes make brushing a breeze by easily removing loose hair from your pup’s undercoat. Each Furminator brush has a button to release hair from the brush for you to throw away. 

Furminator dog brush

The Furminator is one of our favorite dog cleaning supplies. You’ll be amazed by the amount of hair it can remove from your pup’s undercoat while leaving their topcoat fully intact. It’s a must-buy for dog parents with shedding pups. 

Burt’s Bees Waterless Dog Shampoo Spray - $7.49

Grooming your dog at home can be a hot mess. Go longer between baths by using a dry shampoo like the Burt’s Bees Waterless Shampoo Spray. Simply spritz the shampoo spray onto your pup’s body and rub it into their coat. It’s a quick reset for your pup that will leave them looking clean and smelling better. 

waterless dog shampoo

Deep Dog Cleaning Supplies

In case it’s too late to prevent your dog from creating a mess, here are some of our favorite dog cleaning supplies for deep cleaning sessions. 

Fur Removal Tool - $9.97

Looking for dog cleaning products that remove pet hair from your carpet and furniture? We recommend the Pet Hair Removal tool from Elemsy. Swiping this brush on your carpet, fabric couch, and car mats will easily catch any stray pet hair. 

fur removal tool

Just remember this tool is only suitable for tough fabrics in your home and dense coats or clothes. This isn’t suitable for us on delicate fabrics like wool, leather, or cashmere. 

iRobot Roomba Robot Vacuum - $169

For busy dog parents that don’t have much time to clean, invest in a robot vacuum like the Roomba. These are more expensive dog cleaning supplies, but they are totally worth it.

robot vacuum

The Roomba automatically vacuums your home at the click of a button. You can easily schedule cleanings, and create specific cleaning zone maps to direct the vacuum. It’s a huge timesaver and an easy way to keep your house consistently hair-free. 

Heavy Duty Rubber Gloves - $8.88

Rubber gloves are essential dog cleaning supplies. Professional cleaners suggest investing in a quality pair of rubber gloves because they easily pick up dog hair. You can find rubber gloves at your local grocery store or online on Amazon. 

easy ways to clean up after your dog

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